Necessary Tools

  1. Download the Java Development Kit 1.4.2 or later
  2. Install either the latest version of Cygwin (Windows) or the latest version of the GNU tools (UNIX). The specific tools used are cut, echo, find, grep, make, sed, tar, and test. Note: Do not use the GNU jar, java compiler, or java runtime.
  3. Make sure Java and these tools are on your path

Building JigCell from Source Distribution

  1. Download the JigCell source
  2. Unpack the source (jar xvf jigcell-src-6.2.3.jar)
  3. Edit Makefile.config to set the path for the JDK_DIR. Note: Paths containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters may need to be quoted depending on your shell.
  4. Run make distro from the directory you unpacked the source in. Deprecation warnings and some errors building the documentation are normal. These will not interrupt make. A number of helpful make targets exist in addition to the standard ones.
    • For each component of JigCell, make (component name) compiles that component. Consult the Makefile for a current list of JigCell components.
    • make bin produces binary packages for all of the components.
    • make docs produces javadoc documentation for all of the components that support this.
    • make jarinstall produces the installer for JigCell.
    • make source produces a jigcell-src-6.2.3.jar like the one on the website.
    • make distro produces everything.
  5. Go to www and perform an installation (java -jar jigcell-6.2.3.jar)

Optional: Building the Jikes compiler

The Jikes compiler from IBM is significantly faster than the Sun compiler. However, the jikes compiler is less polished, and cannot always properly compile JigCell. If you experience problems using jikes, try setting your compiler back to javac.
  1. Building the Jikes compiler additionally requires gcc and strip
  2. Install the JigCell source as above
  3. Run make jikes to produce the Jikes compiler (you must be root to do this under UNIX)
  4. Edit Makefile.config to select either the jikes or javac compiler