JigCell Model Builder Testing Process Using the Frog Egg Extract Model

  1. Start the Model Builder from your JigCell home directory.
  2. Open the file dialog box by selecting "File" and then "Open" from the menu bar.

  3. Select the "frogegg.sbml" found in the "frogegg" subdirectory of your JigCell installation.

  4. There should be 8 reactions in the "Reactions" tab. The screen should appear like this:

  5. Click on the "Functions" tab. There should be 3 functions and the screen should appear like this:

  6. Click on the "Rules" tab. There should be 17 assignment and 3 algebraic rules. The screen should appear like this:

  7. Click on the "Compartments" tab. There should be a single compartment called "cell". The screen should appear like this:

  8. Click on the "Species" tab. There should be 25 species and the screen should appear like this:

  9. Click on the "Parameters" tab. There should be 18 parameters and the screen should appear like this:

  10. The "Events" tab should be empty as there are no events in this model.
  11. Click on the "Units" tab. There should be 5 units and the screen should appear like this:

  12. Click on the "Conservation Relations" tab. There should be 3 conservation relations and the screen should appear like this:

  13. Click on the "Equations" tab. There should be 25 equations and the screen should appear like this:

  14. If all the above steps were completed successfully, the Model Builder was installed correctly.